[Az-Geocaching] Puzzle (no, not Puz-Zel) caches

Rand Hardin rhrdn8 at juno.com
Tue Dec 28 17:30:23 MST 2004


Is "Arrowhead Menace" (GC7D3E) a cache that meets your requirements?


Rand (RandMan)


Hello everyone,

I'm once again trying to put together a listing of all the puzzle caches in
AZ.  By puzzle caches, I mean those caches where the given coords are not
correct and you must solve some puzzle to get the correct coordinates.  I
don't mean those caches where the coords given are correct but are the first
step in a multi cache.

My current list follows and is followed by my list from just under 2 years

Anyone have any additions???

LazyK - Dan


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